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Site News

  • CR Provision Includes Partial Delisting of Recovered Wolf Populations: An Important First Step
  • N.J. women take up the hunt
  • Maine: Three bills to allow Sunday hunting shot down
  • Legislation to Legalize the Use of Firearm Suppressors in Washington Signed into Law by Governor Gregoire
  • Statement From NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox On Wolf Delisting Efforts
In recent years, more girls and women have taken up hunting, an activity long considered a man's domain. Possible theories for this rise in interest abound: Some say it is due to greater educational opportunities for novice hunters, a renewed interest in conservation or simply that the hunting community has become more welcoming to females.
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A legislative committee on Monday shot down three bills to allow limited Sunday hunting in Maine, but spared a fourth one, which would allow private landowners to hunt on their own properties.
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Today, House Bill 1016 was signed into law by Governor Chris Gregoire. Sponsored by state Representative Brian Blake (D-19), NRA member and staunch supporter of firearm rights, HB 1016 legalizes the use of firearm suppressors. This legislation will take effect 90 days after adjournment.
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Thank you for helping to make this site so much more than I ever hoped it would be. I now dream of only how much more resourceful it can become and how many more we can recruit to the ranks of AR-10 owners.

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