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Gov. Pat Quinn of Illinois is considering signing a bill that would prohibit state officials from publicizing lists of registered gun owners. The economics of crime suggests that such a list would put potential victims at a disadvantage and help criminals.

Ramon Almonte, the Guerrero state police chief, said on Monday he will ask the federal congress to make it easier for common citizens to get permits for weapons to defend themselves. Almonte's brother was killed on Jan. 1 in a rural town in Guerrero by unidentified gunmen. The state has been plagued by such executions. "When you fight someone and at least you have a 'piece,' the person who is attacking you might think twice," Almonte said. "We cannot go on the way we are."

A former university student who was raped at gunpoint at UNR testified Wednesday in support of concealed weapons on campus. Amanda Collins told the Assembly Judiciary Committee she obeyed the law and left her gun at home. If she had a gun, “I would not be an easy target.”

Legislation that would have allowed qualified carriers of concealed handguns to take them on state college campuses died in a House committee Wednesday, dooming it for the session. The Committee on the Administration of Criminal Justice voted 8-3 to kill House Bill 413 by Rep. Ernest Wooton, I-Belle Chasse, the panel's chairman.

A bill proposed by Gov. Jack Markell to require criminal background checks for firearm purchasers buying from private sellers at gun shows is a solution in search of a problem, critics said at legislative hearing Wednesday.

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